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What are the fees associated with using Zcash?

The fees associated with using Zcash depend on the type of transaction being made.

For a standard transaction, the fee is 0.0001 ZEC (Zcash) per kilobyte of data. This fee is set to ensure that transactions are processed quickly and efficiently.

For shielded transactions, which use zk-SNARKs to hide the sender, recipient, and amount of the transaction, there is an additional fee of 0.0001 ZEC per shielded input or output. This fee is used to cover the cost of running the zk-SNARKs protocol and ensuring privacy for users.

In addition to these fees, miners who process transactions on the Zcash network are rewarded with a block reward of 12.5 ZEC for each block they mine. This reward is halved every four years in order to keep inflation in check and ensure that miners remain incentivized to process transactions on the network.

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