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How can I track my transactions on the blockchain?

Tracking transactions on the Tezos blockchain is relatively straightforward.

The first step is to find the address associated with your transaction. This can be done by looking up the transaction on a block explorer such as TzScan or TezBlock. Once you have the address, you can then use a tool such as TzStats to view all of the transactions associated with that address.

TzStats provides a detailed view of all transactions associated with an address, including incoming and outgoing transfers, fees paid, and more. It also provides a visual representation of the transaction history in the form of a graph. This graph can be used to track how much money has been sent and received over time, as well as to identify any suspicious activity.

In addition to tracking individual transactions, it is also possible to track entire accounts on Tezos using tools such as TzKT or Tezos Explorer. These tools provide an overview of all transactions associated with an account, including incoming and outgoing transfers, fees paid, and more. They also provide additional information such as account balances and smart contract interactions.

Finally, it is also possible to track transactions on Tezos using third-party services such as BlockCypher or Blockstream Explorer. These services provide detailed information about all transactions on the blockchain, including incoming and outgoing transfers, fees paid, and more. They also provide additional features such as transaction filtering and analytics tools that can be used to gain insights into how funds are being used on the network.

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