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Is there a limit to how much liquidity can be added to a pool on Pancake Swap ?

Yes, there is a limit to how much liquidity can be added to a pool on Pancake Swap.

The maximum amount of liquidity that can be added to a pool is determined by the total amount of tokens in the pool. The total amount of tokens in the pool is limited by the total supply of tokens available for trading on Pancake Swap. In addition, Pancake Swap also has a maximum amount of liquidity that can be added to each individual pool.

This limit is set at 50% of the total supply of tokens available for trading on Pancake Swap. This means that if there are 100 tokens available for trading on Pancake Swap, then the maximum amount of liquidity that can be added to any single pool is 50 tokens. Finally, it should also be noted that Pancake Swap has a minimum liquidity requirement for each pool.

This minimum requirement is set at 0.1% of the total supply of tokens available for trading on Pancake Swap. This means that if there are 100 tokens available for trading on Pancake Swap, then each individual pool must have at least 0.

1 token worth of liquidity in order to remain active and tradeable on Pancake Swap.

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