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How do I buy CAKE tokens?

To buy CAKE tokens, you will need to first set up a wallet that supports Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Popular wallets that support BSC include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Math Wallet. Once you have set up your wallet, you will need to connect it to PancakeSwap. To do this, open the PancakeSwap website and click on the “Connect” button in the top right corner.

Select your wallet from the list of supported wallets and follow the instructions to connect it. Once your wallet is connected, you can now purchase CAKE tokens. To do this, click on the “Exchange” tab at the top of the page and select “CAKE/BNB” from the list of available pairs.

Enter how much CAKE you would like to purchase in either BNB or USDT and click “Swap”. Your order will be filled instantly and your CAKE tokens will be sent directly to your wallet.

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