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What is Nexus Mutual?

Nexus Mutual is a decentralized insurance platform built on the Ethereum blockchain.

It is a mutual, owned and governed by its members, that provides coverage for smart contract risks. Nexus Mutual enables users to purchase coverage for their smart contracts, protecting them from financial losses due to bugs or malicious attacks. The platform is powered by a native token called NXM, which is used to pay for coverage and incentivize members to participate in the mutual.

Members can earn rewards for providing cover and helping to grow the mutual. The rewards are paid out in NXM tokens. Nexus Mutual also provides an open source library of smart contract security tools and resources that can be used by developers to help ensure their contracts are secure before they are deployed on the Ethereum network.

The library includes security audits, bug bounty programs, and other tools that can help developers identify potential vulnerabilities in their code before it goes live. In addition, Nexus Mutual has launched a bug bounty program that allows developers to earn rewards for finding bugs in smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum network. This helps to ensure that all contracts running on the network are secure and reliable.

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