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Are there any upcoming events related to Polygon?

Yes, there are several upcoming events related to Polygon.

The most notable of these is the Polygon Summit, which will be held on April 28th and 29th, 2021. This event will feature a variety of speakers from the Polygon community, including developers, investors, and other industry experts. Additionally, the event will include panel discussions and workshops focused on topics such as scalability solutions, decentralized finance (DeFi), and more.

In addition to the Polygon Summit, there are also several other events planned for 2021. These include hackathons such as the Polygon Hackathon 2021 and the DeFi Hackathon 2021. There are also meetups planned in various cities around the world where members of the Polygon community can come together to discuss projects and network with one another.

Finally, there are also several conferences planned for 2021 that will feature presentations from members of the Polygon team as well as other industry experts. These conferences include ETHGlobal's ETHOnline 2021 and ConsenSys' Ethereal Summit 2021.

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