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What are the different types of orders available on Loopring?

Loopring is a decentralized exchange protocol that enables users to trade digital assets on the blockchain.

It is designed to provide users with a secure, efficient, and cost-effective way to trade digital assets. Loopring supports three types of orders: limit orders, market orders, and cancel-only orders. Limit Orders: Limit orders allow users to set a specific price at which they would like to buy or sell an asset.

The order will only be executed when the market price reaches the specified limit price. Market Orders: Market orders are used when users want to buy or sell an asset immediately at the best available price in the market. Cancel-Only Orders: Cancel-only orders are used when users want to cancel an existing order without placing a new one.

This type of order can be used if the user wants to change their mind about an order they have placed or if they want to cancel an order that has not been filled yet.

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