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What is Loopring?

Loopring is an open-source protocol for building decentralized exchanges (DEXs) on the Ethereum blockchain.

It is designed to enable trustless, secure, and low-cost trading of Ethereum-based tokens and assets. The protocol uses a combination of smart contracts and off-chain order matching to facilitate the exchange of digital assets. Loopring is designed to be a layer 2 solution that sits on top of the Ethereum blockchain.

This means that it does not require users to trust a third party with their funds or data, as all transactions are secured by the Ethereum network. The protocol also allows for orders to be matched off-chain, which reduces transaction costs and speeds up trade execution times. The Loopring protocol also supports automated market makers (AMMs), which allow users to trade without having to wait for an order book to fill up with orders from other traders.

This makes it easier for users to enter and exit positions quickly, as well as providing liquidity for markets that may otherwise be illiquid. Finally, Loopring also provides a suite of tools for developers who want to build their own DEXs on top of the protocol. These tools include an API, SDKs, wallets, and more.

This makes it easier for developers to create custom DEXs that are tailored specifically to their needs.

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