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Is it possible to use fiat currency (USD EUR etc.) to purchase KLAY tokens directly from exchanges or wallets that support them?

Yes, it is possible to use fiat currency (USD, EUR, etc.

) to purchase KLAY tokens directly from exchanges or wallets that support them. The most popular exchanges that support KLAY tokens are Binance, Huobi Global, and Upbit. These exchanges allow users to purchase KLAY tokens with fiat currencies such as USD, EUR, and KRW.

In addition to these exchanges, there are also wallets that support the purchase of KLAY tokens with fiat currencies. For example, the Klaytn Wallet supports the purchase of KLAY tokens with USD and EUR through its integrated payment service provider Simplex. Other wallets such as Math Wallet and TokenPocket also offer similar services for purchasing KLAY tokens with fiat currencies.

Overall, it is possible to use fiat currency (USD EUR etc.) to purchase KLAY tokens directly from exchanges or wallets that support them.

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