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What are the fees associated with using Klaytn?

Klaytn is a blockchain platform developed by Ground X, a subsidiary of the South Korean messaging giant Kakao.

It is designed to provide an efficient, user-friendly environment for developers and users alike. Klaytn offers a wide range of features and services, including smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), and token transactions. The fees associated with using Klaytn depend on the type of transaction being conducted.

For example, when sending KLAY tokens from one wallet to another, the sender will be charged a fee of 0.01 KLAY per transaction. This fee is used to cover the cost of running the network and incentivizing miners who help process transactions on the network.

When creating or deploying a smart contract on Klaytn, users will be charged a fee based on the amount of computing power required to execute it. This fee is calculated in Gas units and is paid in KLAY tokens. The amount of Gas required for each transaction depends on its complexity and size; more complex transactions require more Gas than simpler ones.

Finally, when interacting with dApps built on Klaytn, users may be charged additional fees depending on the specific dApp they are using. These fees are set by the developers who created the dApp and are used to cover their costs associated with running it.

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