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What is the total supply of IOTAs that will ever exist?

The total supply of IOTAs that will ever exist is 2,779,530,283,277,761.

This number was chosen to ensure that the IOTA network can handle transactions with a very low cost and high scalability. The total supply of IOTAs is fixed and cannot be changed. IOTA uses a distributed ledger technology called the Tangle which is based on a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

This allows for transactions to be processed without the need for miners or fees. As such, there is no need to create new coins or tokens in order to facilitate transactions. The total supply of IOTAs is divided into two parts: the circulating supply and the non-circulating supply.

The circulating supply consists of all IOTAs that are currently in circulation and available for trading on exchanges. The non-circulating supply consists of all IOTAs that have been reserved for future use cases such as network development, partnerships, research grants, etc. The total supply of IOTAs will never change and will remain at 2,779,530,283,277,761 forever.

This ensures that the network remains secure and reliable while also allowing for scalability and low transaction costs.

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