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How does Hedera Hashgraph work?

Hedera Hashgraph is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that is designed to provide a secure, fast, and fair platform for applications.

It uses a consensus algorithm called the "Hashgraph consensus algorithm" to achieve consensus on the state of the ledger. The Hashgraph consensus algorithm is based on two key concepts: virtual voting and gossip about gossip. Virtual voting allows nodes in the network to vote on transactions without actually having to communicate with each other directly.

This helps reduce latency and increases scalability. Gossip about gossip is a process where nodes in the network share information about transactions with each other, allowing them to come to an agreement on which transactions are valid and which are not. The Hashgraph consensus algorithm also utilizes a "gossip protocol" which allows nodes in the network to quickly share information about transactions with each other without having to wait for confirmation from all other nodes in the network.

This helps reduce latency and increases scalability even further. In addition, Hedera Hashgraph also utilizes a "virtual voting" system which allows nodes in the network to vote on transactions without actually having to communicate with each other directly. This helps reduce latency and increases scalability even further.

Finally, Hedera Hashgraph also utilizes an "asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance" (ABFT) system which ensures that all nodes in the network come to an agreement on which transactions are valid and which are not, even if some of them fail or become malicious. This ensures that all transactions are valid and secure even if some of them fail or become malicious.

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