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How can I get involved with FANTOM’s community ?

There are a number of ways to get involved with the FANTOM community.

First, you can join the official FANTOM Telegram group. This is a great way to stay up to date on the latest news and developments from the project, as well as to interact with other members of the community. Second, you can follow FANTOM on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

This is a great way to stay informed about upcoming events and announcements from the project. Third, you can join the official FANTOM Discord server. This is a great place to discuss all things related to the project and network with other members of the community.

Fourth, you can join one of the many FANTOM-related subreddits such as r/FantomNetwork or r/FantomFinance. These are great places to discuss topics related to the project and share your thoughts and ideas with other members of the community. Finally, you can attend one of FANTOM’s many meetups or conferences around the world.

These events are a great way to meet other members of the community in person and learn more about what’s going on with FANTOM.

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