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What are some of the best resources for learning more about developing applications on top of the network/platform ?

1. This is the official website of the Ethereum project and provides a wealth of information about the platform, its features, and how to get started developing applications on top of it. 2.

Ethereum Stack Exchange: This is a great resource for developers looking to ask questions and get answers from experienced developers in the Ethereum community. 3. Ethereum Developer Portal: This portal provides comprehensive documentation on developing applications on top of the Ethereum network/platform, including tutorials, guides, and reference materials.

4. Solidity Documentation: Solidity is the programming language used to develop applications on top of the Ethereum network/platform, and this documentation provides an in-depth look at how to use it effectively. 5.

Truffle Suite: Truffle is a development environment for building decentralized applications (dApps) on top of the Ethereum network/platform, and this suite provides tools for testing, debugging, deploying, and managing dApps built with Solidity or other languages. 6. Web3js Documentation: Web3js is a JavaScript library that allows developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain from within their web browser or NodeJS application.

The documentation provides an in-depth look at how to use it effectively. 7. CryptoZombies: CryptoZombies is an interactive code school that teaches developers how to build their own decentralized applications (dApps) using Solidity and other tools available on the Ethereum network/platform.

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