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What is the difference between an .eth and .xyz domain name in the Ethereum Name Service (ENS)?

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a decentralized naming system that allows users to register and manage domain names on the Ethereum blockchain.

The ENS offers two types of domain names: .eth and .xyz.

A .eth domain name is a unique, human-readable name that is associated with an Ethereum address. This allows users to easily remember and share their Ethereum address, instead of having to remember a long string of numbers and letters.

For example, if someone has an Ethereum address of 0x123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, they can register the .eth domain name myname.eth and use it as their public address instead.

A .xyz domain name is similar to a .eth domain name in that it is also associated with an Ethereum address, but it does not have the same level of security as a .

eth domain name. This means that anyone can register a .xyz domain name without having to prove ownership of the associated Ethereum address.

As such, it is not recommended for use in any kind of financial transaction or other sensitive activities. In summary, the main difference between an .eth and .

xyz domain name in the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is that a .eth domain name requires proof of ownership of the associated Ethereum address before it can be registered, while a .xyz domain does not require any proof of ownership.

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