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Is there a limit to how much RAM can be used on an account on the EOS blockchain?

Yes, there is a limit to how much RAM can be used on an account on the EOS blockchain.

The amount of RAM available to an account is determined by the amount of EOS tokens held by the account. Each EOS token represents 1 byte of RAM, so the more tokens held by an account, the more RAM it can use. The total amount of RAM available on the EOS blockchain is determined by a system parameter called "max_ram_size".

This parameter is set by the block producers and can be adjusted as needed. Currently, the max_ram_size is set at 64GB, meaning that no single account can use more than 64GB of RAM. However, it should be noted that this limit does not apply to all accounts equally.

Accounts with more tokens will have access to more RAM than accounts with fewer tokens. This means that while no single account can use more than 64GB of RAM, it is possible for multiple accounts to combine their resources and access larger amounts of RAM if needed.

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