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What is Adaptive State Sharding and how does it benefit users on the network ?

Adaptive State Sharding is a technology developed by Elrond that allows for the network to scale horizontally.

This means that the network can be divided into multiple shards, each of which can process transactions independently. This allows for more transactions to be processed in parallel, resulting in higher throughput and faster transaction times. Adaptive State Sharding also helps to improve security on the network by making it more difficult for malicious actors to attack the network.

By dividing the network into multiple shards, it becomes much harder for an attacker to control a large portion of the network and disrupt its operations. The benefits of Adaptive State Sharding are not limited to scalability and security. It also helps reduce costs associated with running a node on the Elrond network, as nodes only need to store data related to their own shard rather than all of the data stored on the entire network.

This makes it easier and cheaper for users to run a node on Elrond’s blockchain, allowing them to participate in consensus and help secure the network.

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