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What is sharding and how does it work in Elrond?

Sharding is a process of dividing a blockchain network into multiple shards, each with its own set of validators.

In Elrond, sharding is used to increase the scalability and throughput of the network. Sharding works by dividing the network into multiple shards, each with its own set of validators. Each shard processes transactions independently from other shards, allowing for parallel processing and increased throughput.

The validators in each shard are randomly selected from the total pool of validators in the network. This ensures that no single shard has too much power over the network and that all transactions are processed fairly. In Elrond, sharding also helps to improve security by reducing the attack surface of the network.

By splitting up the network into multiple shards, it becomes more difficult for malicious actors to attack or manipulate the system as they would need to control a majority of nodes in each shard in order to do so. Overall, Elrond’s use of sharding helps to improve scalability and throughput while also increasing security and decentralization on its blockchain network.

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