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Are there any plans to list this token on other exchanges ?

Yes, Convex Finance is actively working to list its token on other exchanges.

The team is currently in talks with several major exchanges and is exploring different options to ensure that the token can be listed on as many exchanges as possible. The team has also been engaging with the community to understand their preferences and needs when it comes to listing the token on different exchanges. The team has also been actively engaging with potential partners and investors to ensure that the token can be listed on as many exchanges as possible.

Additionally, the team is exploring different options for liquidity solutions, such as Uniswap, Balancer, and others. The team is also looking into different ways of increasing the liquidity of the token by offering incentives for traders who are willing to provide liquidity for it. This could include airdrops or rewards for providing liquidity.

Overall, Convex Finance is actively working towards listing its token on more exchanges and exploring different options for increasing its liquidity.

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