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How secure is Convex Finance?

Convex Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain.

As such, it is secured by the same underlying technology that powers Ethereum and other DeFi protocols. The security of Convex Finance is based on several factors. First, it uses a combination of smart contracts and multi-signature wallets to ensure that funds are securely stored and transactions are securely executed.

Second, it employs a number of security measures such as two-factor authentication, encryption, and anti-phishing measures to protect user accounts from malicious actors. Finally, Convex Finance also utilizes a decentralized governance system to ensure that all decisions made by the protocol are done in an open and transparent manner. Overall, Convex Finance is considered to be one of the most secure DeFi protocols available today.

It has been audited by multiple independent security firms and has received positive reviews from the crypto community for its commitment to security.

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