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How does sharding work on the Casper Network?

Sharding is a process of dividing a blockchain network into multiple smaller parts, or shards, in order to increase the scalability and performance of the network.

On the Casper Network, sharding works by splitting the network into multiple shards, each with its own set of validators. Each shard is responsible for processing a subset of transactions on the network. The Casper Network uses a consensus algorithm called Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to validate transactions and secure the network.

In PoS, validators stake their tokens in order to be eligible to validate blocks and earn rewards for doing so. The Casper Network uses a variant of PoS called "sharded PoS" which allows validators to stake their tokens across multiple shards. This allows validators to spread their risk across multiple shards and increase their chances of earning rewards.

The Casper Network also uses a technique called "cross-shard communication" which allows transactions on one shard to be validated by validators on other shards. This helps ensure that all transactions are properly validated and that the network remains secure. Overall, sharding on the Casper Network helps improve scalability and performance while also providing an additional layer of security through cross-shard communication.

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