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What types of orders are supported by the platform (e .g . market limit stop-loss etc.) ?

The 1inch crypto project supports a variety of order types, including market orders, limit orders, stop-loss orders, and more.

Market orders are the most basic type of order and allow users to buy or sell an asset at the best available price. Limit orders allow users to specify a maximum or minimum price they are willing to pay for an asset. Stop-loss orders are used to limit losses by automatically selling an asset when it reaches a certain price.

In addition, 1inch also supports more advanced order types such as fill-or-kill (FOK) and immediate-or-cancel (IOC) orders. FOK orders must be filled immediately in their entirety or they will be canceled. IOC orders must be filled immediately but can be partially filled if necessary.

Finally, 1inch also supports advanced trading strategies such as time weighted average price (TWAP) and iceberg orders. TWAP allows users to spread out their trades over a specified period of time in order to reduce market impact and improve execution prices. Iceberg orders allow users to break up large trades into smaller pieces in order to reduce market impact and improve execution prices.

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