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Are there any restrictions on who can use or access the platform ?

Yes, there are restrictions on who can use or access the THORChain platform.

The platform is designed to be a permissionless and trustless system, meaning that anyone can join and use the platform without needing to be approved by any third party. However, in order to participate in the network, users must meet certain criteria. First, users must have a valid Ethereum address in order to access the platform.

This is because all transactions on THORChain are done using Ethereum-based tokens. Second, users must have enough liquidity in their wallet to cover the cost of transactions and fees associated with them. Third, users must have a minimum amount of RUNE tokens (the native token of THORChain) in order to participate in staking and earn rewards from it.

Finally, users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using the platform.

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