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What are some of the applications that have been built using stellar ?

Stellar is an open-source, decentralized protocol for digital currency to fiat currency transfers which allows cross-border transactions between any pair of currencies.

It has been used to build a variety of applications, including: 1. Payment processing: Stellar can be used to process payments quickly and securely, with low transaction fees. This makes it ideal for businesses that need to process payments quickly and securely.

2. Cross-border payments: Stellar can be used to facilitate cross-border payments between different currencies, allowing users to send money from one country to another without having to worry about exchange rates or fees. 3.

Remittance services: Stellar can be used as a platform for remittance services, allowing users to send money from one country to another quickly and securely. 4. Crowdfunding platforms: Stellar can be used as a platform for crowdfunding platforms, allowing users to raise funds for projects or causes they believe in.

5. Decentralized exchanges: Stellar can be used as a platform for decentralized exchanges, allowing users to trade digital assets without having to rely on centralized exchanges or brokers. 6.

Loyalty programs: Stellar can be used as a platform for loyalty programs, allowing businesses to reward customers with tokens that can be exchanged for goods and services within the network. 7. Supply chain management: Stellar can be used as a platform for supply chain management, allowing businesses to track the movement of goods and materials throughout their supply chain in real time.

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