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What are the advantages of using a decentralized platform like Radix over a centralized one?

The main advantage of using a decentralized platform like Radix over a centralized one is that it provides users with greater control over their data and assets.

With a decentralized platform, users are able to store their data and assets on the blockchain, which is immutable and secure. This means that no single entity can control or manipulate the data or assets stored on the blockchain. Furthermore, decentralized platforms are also more resilient to cyber-attacks and other malicious activities.

This is because there is no single point of failure in a decentralized system, meaning that if one node goes down, the rest of the network will still be able to function properly. Additionally, decentralized platforms are also more efficient than centralized ones since they do not require third-party intermediaries for transactions or other activities. Finally, decentralized platforms offer users greater privacy and anonymity than centralized ones.

Since all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, users can remain anonymous while still being able to securely store their data and assets. This makes it much harder for hackers or other malicious actors to gain access to user information or funds.

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