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Are there any upcoming events related to the project that I should be aware of or attend if possible ?

Yes, there are several upcoming events related to the Osmosis crypto project that you should be aware of and attend if possible.

The first event is the Osmosis Summit, which will take place on October 22nd and 23rd in Berlin, Germany. This event will bring together experts from the blockchain industry to discuss the latest developments in the field and explore how Osmosis can be used to create new solutions for businesses and individuals. The second event is the Osmosis Hackathon, which will take place on November 9th and 10th in London, UK.

This hackathon will bring together developers from around the world to create innovative applications using Osmosis technology. The winners of this hackathon will receive prizes such as cash awards, free tickets to future events, and more. Finally, there is also an upcoming online event called “Osmosis Live” which will take place on December 5th.

This event will feature a series of talks from industry experts about how Osmosis can be used to create new solutions for businesses and individuals. Overall, these events are great opportunities for anyone interested in learning more about the Osmosis crypto project or getting involved with its development. We highly recommend attending any of these events if you can!

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