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Is there a way to track transactions on the network and view transaction history for an address or wallet address on the blockchain explorer website or app ?

Yes, there is a way to track transactions on the Monero network and view transaction history for an address or wallet address on the blockchain explorer website or app.

The Monero blockchain explorer is a web-based tool that allows users to search and view the entire Monero blockchain. It provides detailed information about all transactions, including sender and recipient addresses, transaction amounts, fees, and block height. The Monero blockchain explorer also allows users to view transaction history for any given address or wallet address.

This includes all incoming and outgoing transactions associated with that address, as well as the total balance of that address at any given time. Additionally, users can also view detailed information about each transaction such as its size, fees paid, timestamp, block height, and more. The Monero blockchain explorer is an invaluable tool for anyone interested in tracking their own transactions or those of others on the network.

It provides a comprehensive overview of all activity on the network and can be used to identify suspicious activity or verify legitimate transactions.

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