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How can I get involved in the Maker community?

Getting involved in the Maker community is easy and there are many ways to do so.

First, you can join the MakerDAO Discord server, which is a great place to meet other members of the Maker community and discuss topics related to MakerDAO. You can also join the MakerDAO Telegram group, which is another great way to stay up-to-date on news and events related to MakerDAO. Second, you can participate in the Maker governance process by voting on proposals that are submitted by other members of the community.

This is a great way to have your voice heard and help shape the future of MakerDAO. Third, you can join one of the many working groups that are actively working on projects related to MakerDAO. These groups are responsible for developing new features and improvements for the platform, as well as helping with marketing efforts and other tasks.

Finally, you can contribute directly to the development of MakerDAO by submitting bug reports or feature requests through GitHub or participating in coding challenges hosted by the team. This is a great way to get involved in a hands-on way and help shape the future of MakerDAO.

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