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How do I transfer my KuCoin Tokens to another wallet or exchange?

To transfer your KuCoin Tokens to another wallet or exchange, you will need to first obtain the address of the wallet or exchange you are sending them to.

Once you have the address, you can use your KuCoin account to send the tokens. 1. Log in to your KuCoin account and select “Assets” from the top menu.

2. Select “Deposit” from the left-hand side menu and search for “KCS” (KuCoin Shares). 3.

Click on “Deposit” next to KCS and copy the deposit address that appears on the screen. 4. Go back to the Assets page and select “Withdrawal” from the left-hand side menu and search for “KCS” (KuCoin Shares).

5. Enter the amount of KCS you want to withdraw, paste in the deposit address of your wallet or exchange, and click “Submit”. 6.

You will then be asked to enter a verification code sent via email or SMS, depending on your security settings. Enter this code and click “Confirm”. 7.

Your KCS will then be transferred from your KuCoin account to your wallet or exchange address within a few minutes!

AI created text. No guarantee for the correctness of the content.

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