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How do I participate in governance on Synthetix ?

Participating in governance on Synthetix is a straightforward process.

First, you must acquire SNX tokens. You can do this by purchasing them on an exchange or through the Synthetix Exchange (Synthetix.Exchange).

Once you have acquired SNX tokens, you can then stake them to the Synthetix Network and become a part of the governance process. Once staked, you will be able to vote on proposals that are put forward by the Synthetix team and other members of the community. These proposals can range from changes to the network’s parameters to new features and services that are being added to the platform.

You will also be able to submit your own proposals for consideration by other members of the community. To cast your vote, you will need to use a web-based voting interface that is provided by Synthetix. This interface allows you to easily view all of the current proposals and cast your vote accordingly.

Your votes will then be tallied with those of other SNX holders and used to determine which proposals are accepted or rejected by the network.

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