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How does GMX work?

GMX is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that enables users to securely store, transfer, and trade digital assets.

The platform is powered by a consensus algorithm called Proof of Stake (PoS), which allows users to stake their tokens in order to earn rewards. This incentivizes users to help secure the network and participate in the governance of the platform. The GMX platform is built on top of Ethereum, allowing it to leverage the security and scalability of the Ethereum blockchain.

GMX also has its own native token, GMX Coin (GMXC), which is used for staking and as a medium of exchange on the platform. GMXC can be used to pay for transaction fees, as well as for trading and investing in digital assets. The GMX platform also features a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to trade digital assets without having to rely on centralized exchanges.

The DEX is powered by smart contracts that facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without any third-party involvement. This ensures that all trades are secure and transparent. In addition, GMX also offers a range of other services such as wallet management, asset management, and portfolio tracking tools.

These tools allow users to easily manage their digital assets and track their investments in real time.

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