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Is it possible to mine Ether on an ASIC miner or GPU miner ?

Yes, it is possible to mine Ether on an ASIC miner or GPU miner.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. Ethereum Classic is based on the same technology as Ethereum (ETH), but with a few key differences. The main difference between the two projects is that Ethereum Classic allows for ASIC mining, while Ethereum does not.

This means that miners can use specialized hardware to mine ETC more efficiently than they can with ETH. ASIC miners are designed specifically for mining cryptocurrencies and are much more efficient than GPUs when it comes to mining ETC. They also require less electricity and generate less heat than GPUs, making them ideal for large-scale mining operations.

GPU miners are also capable of mining ETC, but they are not as efficient as ASICs and require more electricity and generate more heat. They are still popular among smaller-scale miners who don't have access to ASICs or don't want to invest in them. In conclusion, it is possible to mine Ether on an ASIC miner or GPU miner depending on your needs and budget.

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