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What is Politeia and how does it work ?

Politeia is a Decred project that enables stakeholders to vote on proposals and track the progress of the project.

It is a blockchain-based system that allows users to submit, discuss, and vote on proposals. Proposals can range from development projects to changes in the Decred constitution. The Politeia system works by allowing users to submit proposals, which are then reviewed by the Decred team.

Once approved, the proposal is published on the Politeia platform for discussion and voting. Users can then cast their votes using their Decred coins. The voting process is designed to be secure and transparent, with all votes being publicly viewable on the blockchain.

Once a proposal has been voted on, it will either be accepted or rejected based on the results of the vote. If accepted, it will be implemented into the Decred network and become part of its official protocol. If rejected, it will be discarded and no further action will be taken.

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