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What is the purpose of staking CRO tokens ?

The purpose of staking CRO tokens is to earn rewards.

Staking is a process in which users lock up their tokens in order to receive rewards. By staking CRO tokens, users can earn rewards in the form of additional CRO tokens, as well as other benefits such as discounts on fees and access to exclusive products and services. Staking also helps to secure the Crypto.

com network by providing a layer of decentralization and security. When users stake their tokens, they are essentially providing additional computing power to the network, which helps to ensure that transactions are processed quickly and securely. This helps to protect the network from malicious actors who may attempt to disrupt it or steal funds.

In addition, staking also provides an incentive for users to hold onto their CRO tokens for longer periods of time, rather than selling them off quickly. This helps to create a more stable market for the token and increases its overall value over time.

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