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What is the governance model of Cosmos?

The Cosmos governance model is based on a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that allows users to make decisions about the network.

The DAO is composed of a set of validators, who are responsible for validating transactions and maintaining the network. The validators are elected by the token holders, who vote for them using their tokens. The Cosmos governance model also includes a set of protocols that allow users to propose and vote on changes to the network.

These protocols are designed to ensure that all stakeholders have an equal say in how the network is managed and maintained. The Cosmos governance model also includes a set of incentives that reward users for participating in the network. These incentives include rewards for staking tokens, rewards for proposing and voting on changes, and rewards for participating in governance discussions.

Finally, the Cosmos governance model also includes a dispute resolution system that allows users to resolve disputes between themselves or with other stakeholders in the network. This system is designed to ensure fairness and transparency in all decisions made within the network.

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