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How do I set up an account to use with the platform and start trading in cETH tokens?

Setting up an account to use with the cETH platform and start trading in cETH tokens is a relatively straightforward process.

First, you will need to create an account on the cETH platform. This can be done by visiting the website and clicking on the “Sign Up” button. You will then be asked to provide some basic information such as your name, email address, and a password.

Once you have completed this step, you will receive an email with a link to activate your account. Once your account is activated, you will need to deposit funds into it in order to start trading in cETH tokens. This can be done by using either a credit card or bank transfer.

Once the funds have been deposited, you can then begin trading in cETH tokens by selecting them from the list of available assets on the platform. Finally, once you have selected your desired asset and placed an order for it, you will need to wait for it to be filled before it is added to your portfolio. Once this has been done, you can then monitor your portfolio and make any necessary adjustments as needed.

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