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What are some of the challenges that developers face when building applications on top of an avalanche ?


Security: Developers must ensure that their applications are secure and protected from malicious actors. This includes protecting against attacks such as double-spending, 51% attacks, and other malicious activities. 2.

Scalability: Avalanche is designed to be a highly scalable platform, but developers must still consider the scalability of their applications when building on top of it. This includes ensuring that the application can handle large amounts of data and transactions without becoming overwhelmed or slowing down. 3.

Interoperability: Developers must also consider how their applications will interact with other applications built on top of Avalanche. This includes ensuring that the application is compatible with other protocols and technologies used by other developers on the platform. 4.

Usability: Developers must also consider how user-friendly their applications are when building on top of Avalanche. This includes making sure that users can easily understand how to use the application and that it is intuitive to use. 5.

Cost: Building applications on top of Avalanche can be expensive due to the cost associated with running nodes and maintaining the network infrastructure required for the platform to function properly. Developers must consider these costs when building their applications in order to ensure they are able to remain profitable in the long run.

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