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Are there any use cases for amp currently being developed or planned for future development ?

Yes, there are several use cases for AMP currently being developed or planned for future development.

The most notable of these is the ability to use AMP as a medium of exchange. This would allow users to send and receive payments in AMP without having to convert it into fiat currency. Additionally, AMP could be used as a store of value, allowing users to hold their funds in a secure and decentralized manner.

Other potential use cases include the ability to use AMP as collateral for loans, the ability to pay for goods and services with AMP, and the ability to create smart contracts on the blockchain. Additionally, developers are exploring ways to integrate AMP into existing payment systems such as PayPal and Stripe. In addition to these current and planned use cases, the team behind AMP is also exploring ways to make it easier for developers to build applications on top of the platform.

This could include creating an API that would allow developers to easily integrate their applications with the blockchain. Overall, there are many potential use cases for AMP that are currently being explored or planned for future development. These could range from simple payments and transfers of value all the way up to complex smart contracts and applications built on top of the platform.

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