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What are smart contracts and how do they work on Tron?

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are written in code and stored on a blockchain.

They are designed to automatically execute when certain conditions are met, allowing for the execution of transactions without the need for a third party. On the Tron network, smart contracts are written in Solidity, a programming language designed specifically for writing smart contracts. These contracts can be used to create decentralized applications (dApps) that run on the Tron blockchain.

Smart contracts on Tron work by allowing users to create a contract that is stored on the blockchain and is accessible by all users. The contract contains rules and conditions that must be met before it can be executed. When these conditions are met, the contract is automatically executed and the transaction is completed without any further input from either party involved in the transaction.

This allows for secure, automated transactions without any need for trust or reliance on a third party. Smart contracts can also be used to create tokens on the Tron network, which can then be used as currency or as part of other applications built on top of the Tron blockchain. This allows developers to create their own digital assets and use them within their applications, creating an entire ecosystem of decentralized applications running on top of the Tron network.

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