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Are there any tools available for developers to help them build applications for use with the EOS blockchain platform such as wallets block explorers etc.?

Yes, there are a variety of tools available for developers to help them build applications for use with the EOS blockchain platform.

These tools include wallets, block explorers, and other development tools. Wallets are software programs that allow users to store, send, and receive digital assets such as EOS tokens. Popular wallets for EOS include Scatter, Greymass Wallet, and SimplEOS.

Block explorers are websites that allow users to view information about the EOS blockchain such as transactions, blocks, accounts, and more. Popular block explorers for EOS include and Eosflare.

io. Other development tools available for developers include the EOSIO Software Development Kit (SDK), which is a set of libraries and tools designed to help developers create applications on the EOS blockchain; the EOSIO Developer Portal which provides tutorials and resources to help developers get started; and the EOSIO Developer Tools which provide a suite of command-line tools to help developers build applications on the platform.

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